
Swimming Pool Safety

By The Millar Law Firm June 6, 2019

Perhaps the ultimate luxury here in the sultry South is to own a swimming pool. (Or to have a best friend who owns one.) When summertime rolls around, we flock to the water, pool noodles clutched under our arms and water wings firmly bound to our babies. Water safety during the summer though is a very serious matter and must be practiced religiously.

If you own a pool, you have the additional legal responsibilities of making certain your family and your guests remain safe and uninjured. Here’s a list of common-sense safety rules that can help to protect you and your guests.

  • No Running! Running and rough-housing on the pool deck can lead to serious injury or even drowning.
  • Swimmers Only! Keep non-swimmers and those who are not strong swimmers out of the pool unless there is an experienced swimmer close by.
  • Wear a floatation device if you’re unsure of your ability. Keep extras on hand.
  • Dive Safely – dive to the front of the board only. If you try to dive off the sides of the board, you can hit the sides of the pool and injure yourself permanently. Also, make sure everybody knows never to dive into shallow water.

If you are entertaining at your pool, be sure to take extra precautions to keep your guests free from injury.

  • Don’t use glass containers around the pool
  • Know CPR
  • Don’t let anybody into the pool who is under the influence of alcohol or medications
  • Discourage horseplay or pushing people into the water
  • Keep the pool area under lock and key. It should be inaccessible at all times unless you are there to watch over it. Make sure your older children don’t invite friends to use the pool when you are not present. Remember, a pool on your property can be an “attractive nuisance.” As the owner, you can be held liable if anyone is injured or killed there even if you’ve posted signs. (Three-year-olds can’t usually read such signs and have no clue about the dangers of all that wonderful water.)

If you’ve invested in a pool, whether in or above ground, be vigilant in its use. Avoidable accidents can lead to tragedy and even financial ruin if you’re not careful. By following these few tips you can ensure that your pool time is a fun time, and your investment remains a good one.

If you have questions about pool safety or the legal responsibilities pool owners take on when they install one, please don’t hesitate to call the offices of the Millar Law Firm. We’re happy to help our neighbors enjoy the Georgia summer. (770) 400-0000.